

Saturday, May 22, 2010

First full day in Italy

Today was our first official day in Italy. We were all suffering from jet lag so we all slept in until we all met up to get our bikes around 11:45. We walked through town for a little bit to get adjusted to the area we are going to be living in for the next month. There was a market, kind of similar to Rices market back home that some people may be farmiliar with, but we were running late so we did not have time to stop. Once we got our bikes we traveled to the biggest market in Brescia to do some grocery shopping. We all had to put our food in boxes and put them on the back of our bikes or use the basket on the bike. They make you pay for plastic bags so most Italians pick up empty boxes around the store and put them on the back of their bikes. We have class later on today, until then we are farmiliarizing ourselves with our new surroundings. So far Italy is beautiful, and I am so excited to see everything.

Getting here on the other hand was a long trip. We flew from Philadelphia to Chicago then went right from that flight to our 8 hour flight to London. We then stayed in London over night, although not many of us got sleep, then woke up early to arrive at the London airport for our 12:00 flight to Milan. The airport in London was extremely large and very nice. It had what seemed to be a shopping mall located inside. The flight from London to Milan was not long at all, at least compared to the flight to London. Once we arrived in Milan we took a bus to Brescia where we then settled into our apartments for the night. It was a very long trip here, but very worth it because Italy is wonderful so far.

This is just a picture that I took when we were riding our bikes around.

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