

Monday, June 13, 2011

Florence: May 27~29

         I loved Florence!!!~ It was great because it was so pretty and there were a lot of tourists. It was great because it was really easy to get around and it was awesome that our hotel was right next to the train station, (very convenient). We went to the Domo and oh my goodness it was the most amazing view ever. I can’t describe it in words how amazing it really was. We could see everything in Florence from that view and let me tell you it is worth climbing all of those steps. I was struggling going up and up and up but in the end it really payed off.
        We went to Pisa as a group and Pisa was great. I thought going to “The Leaning Tower of Pisa” was phenomenal because it was amazing just seeing the tower being on a slant. Ha-ha you would think it would have toppled over after all of these years…It was so cool taking pictures with the tower because it was another check-off, on my to do list. I thought Florence was so peaceful and I thought the people were really nice. Everything went nicely played in Florence and I really enjoyed being there. I do want to go to Florence again one day to see if anything does change.

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