

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Our First Weekend in Brescia, Italy!

Ciao Everyone!

Well, we arrived safely in Italy!!! I cannot believe that we are actually here... My roommate and I were discussing that since our arrival, at moments it "seems" we have been here for quite some time, and at other times reality hits and we realize that we have just arrived. As a group, I feel that we are adjusting to Brescia's way of daily life fast and comfortably. Our first two days have been filled with activities that keep us going and allow us all to experience the culture of Brescia.

            The first day that we arrived in Brescia (Friday: May 20th), we were taken to our new home and then our wonderful instructor introduced us to La Piadinera J Besides the great food that we were introduced to, we were also given the opportunity to learn some quick Italian and ordered our own food. I must say that it was a fun experience! For the remainder of the day we took a quick tour by walking, and we were shown the mall that is nearby and where we would be shopping for our groceries. We took the rest of the day to get situated in our apartments, and eventually needed some sleep to prepare for the next day.

            One the second day of our arrival Mrs. Clewis and MariaVittoria took us to get our bikes. I feel like the child in us all came out with getting back on a bicycle and traveling the town! It was a good time. Next we were taken to the grocery store to prepare ourselves for the week of living on our own in Italy. The Italian grocery store is similar to ours in America, but of course they have some products that are focused on mainly within the Italian culture. It was fun trying to read signs for sales and learning our way around the market. I had my own experience with trying to communicate with a salesclerk at the Deli and within a store aisle. I did however get my prosciutto! So I was very happy with myself. I also figured out the “Buy One/ Get One” deals (and we received a discount card). Very nice… J  This day we were taken to the City Center for a tour by bicycle. Later on in the evening we attended the Grand Theatre of Brescia to watch and listen to the beautiful music created by wind instruments. After the theatre, the group of us decided that we wanted to head out into the city for some drinks and a good time with the Italian citizens. It was amazing to see how packed the bars were, and also how dazzled up Italian men and women get when heading out for the evening. The atmosphere was alive and very fun. It is very funny to see how the Italian citizens of Brescia watch us as we travel throughout the city.

            Today was the third day since our arrival, and it was also the first Sunday that we were able to spend in Brescia, Italy. We were given choices as to what we wanted to experience on this day during the morning hours. I chose to attend mass at the Old Cathedral, where I was able to receive communion and listened to a mass that was spoken in Latin and Italian. It is just so awesome now to be able to say that certain things, such as attending mass, have been done in Italy! After a long evening out and an early mass (some students attended a concert), we decided that we would rest up so that we could take a tour of the Italian market that has come to the town of Brescia. The Italian market had MANY tables and stands that we set up, advertising different items and foods from countries such as Italy, Germany, Ireland, etc. My favorite was being able to taste test the foods! Eventually we all met back at our apartments for dinner and some rest. Later on in the evening my roommate and two other friends took our bikes out for some exercise, and went back to the Italian market to experience the night life of the event. For the first time I tried Padella, and had some delicious Sangria wine! Tomorrow starts our first day of classes. Best of luck to everyone!!!

                                                                                                         <3 Kat              


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